Two Brands I'll Be Wearing All Summer

The first time my husband and I visited Seattle together was in May 2014. Ten years ago! We had just decided to uproot our lives in Chicago and make the big move out west. We arrived with hopes to find a place to live which was SUCH a mad dash with some more than interesting experiences learning about the crazy Seattle market! We also enjoyed a lot of adventures and started envisioning our lives here.

Flash forward ten years, we’re really feeling settled. It takes forever. MAN, does it take forever! We rented and moved around and started having kids and changed jobs and everything has been up in the air like crazy, except that right now we are just cruising, and it feels really good. I love our house that we’re renovating slowly but surely, and I’m loving our neighborhood which has this incredible spot, Kubota Garden, just a few blocks away. This time of year it’s downright Seussical with its big rhododendron blooms and bursting greens.

Today I enjoyed a stroll around the garden in some new pieces from some of my favorite brands, Tradlands and Freda Salvador. Both are women-owned sustainable brands with incredible attention to quality and craftsmanship. I’ve partnered with them for a little while and am really proud to be a part of their community.

Outfit details:

Tradlands Nico Dress in Petite Fleurs — you can use my discount code EMILYKEENEY15 for 15% off.

Freda Salvador Roma Round Toe Ballet Flat in Chartreuse — you can use my discount code EMILY15 for 15% off.

If you make a purchase through these links I may earn a small commission. I only share brands I trust and love. Thank you!